Toni McLennan





Hear Our Voice

I need 500 members before I can register ‘Hear Our Voice’ as a political Party….



To become a member you will need to fill the registration form out correctly and it must be signed.  Please mail your membership form back to me at:


        Hear Our Voice
        PO Box 1305
        QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620


        (02) 6297 0134

Note: There is no membership fee, nor do you need to do anything as a member other than send your signed membership form back to me.  I know it is a bother having to mail your form but rest assured I appreciate your efforts!

Through collaboration, we can change our world into the sort of place we want to leave our children. 

Please help me by joining ‘Hear Our Voice’ and together we can make Australia a better place.


If you would like to help with my campaign I would very much appreciate your support.  There are a variety of ways you can help, including:

   - financial support
   - policy ideas
   - publicity suggestions
   - passing the details of my website to your friends and family
   - encouraging your friends and family to join Hear Our Voice

Campaigning is very expensive and I would be very grateful to anyone who is able to provide financial support, whether great or small, to help with promotional activities.

If you would like to make a donation please send your cheque to:

        Hear Our Voice

        PO Box 1305
        QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620


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